Common Sense Clause

The purpose of this disclaimer is to address a lack of understanding among some students and parents regarding what can be reasonably expected when signing up for an educational service, including that of Washington Test Prep.

At Washington Test Prep, we are very enthusiastic about what we do. As for our track record of success, our reputation has been firmly established by way of the numerous students who have received admission letters from academic institutions (including Ivy League schools), as well as those who have dramatically improved their standardized test scores under our instruction. Such is revealed by our numerous accolades and student testimonies.

Nonetheless, in the course of events, things can go wrong. Students can, at times, not experience the levels of success that either they or their parents would prefer. Such cases are unfortunate.

In seeking a clear understanding, we would be fair to consider that the success or failure of a given student is based on numerous factors, which include a lack of proper preparation for class, a lack of devotion to the material, a lack of attendance (or a lack of consistent attendance), a lack of maturity, and a lack of communication with the teacher about a problem with the course content.

Truly, aside from committed student dedication and parental support, there is no guarantee of success. Learning is a cooperative endeavor, and we at Washington Test Prep pledge to do our part to continue to provide the superior test preparation service that has distinguished us from our competition.